People can be involved as:
Praying for this noble Venture
1. Make new friends to help or work for the Dialysis Centre & Tell a friend"I am Involved are you?
2. Giving something back to the Dialysis Centre after you or a family member has been treated here.
3. By contributing

'Together we can make our services the very best they can be'

There are a number of ways in which you can become involved. You do not need to get involved in everything. We will let you know about opportunities and you can decide how much you want to be involved. Being involved can mean:

  • Being involved in negotiating a plan of care (e.g. Doctors and Professionals).
  • Telling us your experience of a service you have received.
  • Being consulted about how to develop a service or a major plan.
  • Giving you views on the development of Dialysis Centre strategies, policies and procedures.
  • Working with us to influence corporates and organizations for getting their involvement in the Dialysis centre.


People can be involved in charity by giving their 10% of monthly income.
  • Individuals in decisions about their own care
  • Groups of service users or carers or organisations with special interest
  • Local communities
  • Tell a friend "I am Involved are You?"
  • Praying for this noble venture
  • Keep up to date with local and national health issues and technological issues related to the project
  • Help to make a difference to EMBDC
  • Those who bear the name of St. Eldho Mor Baselious Bava can involve in this project. (eg:- Eldho, Basil)



Volunteering is a way of becoming involved in the Dialysis Centre. Volunteers are participating in a variety of ways all contributing to improving the patient experience.They are an integral part of the Dialysis Centre and are highly valued by staff, patients, service users and visitors.

We would like to hear from you if you are:
  • Over 16
  • Good at mixing with people
  • Enjoy helping others
  • Want to develop your own skills as an individual.
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